Thursday, April 10, 2008


So this is the beginning of my blogging journey. I have been waiting for a great moment of inspiration to propel my motivational wheel to get this thing going. That has resulted in me starting a draft initial post 8 months ago, and I am finally getting around to posting a final version. No, I haven't been tinkering with it all this time, I just let it go to the back burner. Do you have any stuff on the back burner? Let's just be honest, with so much stuff on the back burner, something is too far away to be impacted by the flame. So it's more accurate to say that my blog hasn't been on the back burner, it's been in the freezer. So now the thawing process shall begin.

Things I would like from you:

  • Call me out on any blogging etiquette faux pas, because I am new to this thing. I learned this random bold highlighting thing from some trendy church bloggers, is it annoying? I thought it helped me stay engaged when I read their stuff, so I hoped it would work for you as well. Any feedback on that? (and yes, I choose to highlight certain words for a reason)
  • If you reply to this post give me a list (as long or as short as you'd like) of items (tasks, tough conversations you have been avoiding, life affirming activities like starting or returning to a hobby, etc.) that are on your back burner. Maybe we can compare notes! If misery loves company, I am pretty sure that our collective back burner stuff could benefit from the social connection.
This is already getting to be long, so the answer to the question "Why another blog?" will have to be fleshed out next time...

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